Wednesday 5 October 2011

Logan Beats Fusion

This past Sunday, The Owen Barnes Room, in Costessey, Norfolk, was the site of the latest battle between London INC and the Army Of 2 (Random Dudes).

This time round, the INC's Jet Logan defeated the A.O.2. member Scott Fusion, in a hard fought contest, when Fusion decide that he didn't want to wrestle on after the tide shifted into Logan's favour, and allowed himself to be counted out.

Post match, Midas Stable leader, Tommy Lee, stated that he was withdrawing his charges, from their scheduled tag team title defence vs London INC on 11.11.11 at the Royal British Legion in Norwich, due to what he believed to be unfair tactics, employed by London INC, during the contest.

Lee was swiftly cut off by part owner of WAW, Zak Knight, who informed him that not only would the 11.11.11 contest go ahead as planned, but furthermore, Lee would be banned from ringside for it, an announcement that brought a loud cheer from the fans in attendance.

So there you have it, London INC are still on course to capture championship gold on 11.11.11.
Be there! Check out the Upcoming important dates section of the website for details of this and other upcoming appearances by London INC.

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